TSD 2013                                                       Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
Workshop Dinner
Hotel / Travel
Conference Schedule
Invited Speakers
Foreign National Visitors

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Invited Speakers

A. Boozer, Columbia University

D. Brennan, University of Tulsa

P. De Vries, JET

N. Eidietis, GA

R. Fitzpatrick, IFS, University of Texas at Austin

S. Gerhardt, PPPL

R. Granetz, MIT

C. Greenfield, GA

T. Hender, Culham Science Center (UK)

V. Izzo, UCSD

S. Jardin, PPPL

M. Lehnen, ITER

J. R. Martin-Solis, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)

A. Murari, JET

R. Paccagnella, CNR (Italy)

H. Strauss

J. Wesley, GA

L. Zakharov, PPPL

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, P.O. Box 451
Princeton, NJ 08543-0451
GPS: 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08540

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, managed by Princeton
University and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy,
is a collaborative national center for plasma and fusion science

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